Cameroon Development Corporation

The company

The Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) is an Agro Industrial Company created in 1947 as a public establishment to acquire, develop and operate extensive plantations of tropical crops. It is a parastatal company owned by the state of Cameroon. Currently, its plantations cover a total of approximately 41,000 Hectares of land, 38,000 Hectares of which is mature and of production stage. The corporation constitutes a workforce of close to 16,000 employees including temporal workers, making it the second highest employer after the state of Cameroon.

Its major products include banana, semi-finished rubber, palm oil and palm kernel. Currently it grows mainly Rubber, Oil Palm and Banana. It operates 9 Rubber Estates, 6 Oil Palm Estates, 5 Rubber Factories and 2 Palm Oil Mills. Two Banana Projects are run in partnership with DELMONTE Cameroon. The corporation recently engaged in a number of extension projects to enhance its operations and productivity in the near future. These include 6,000 Ha of Oil Palm and 6,000 Ha of Rubber plantations envisaged to be developed within the next 5 years and 1,750 Ha of solely CDC produced Banana to be developed by the end of 2011. A 15 Tons per Hour modern Oil Mill project started in 2008 is also scheduled to be completed by end of 2009 and put into full operation.

The major Crop Groups are supported by several services including Medical, Technical, Sales, Supplies and a main Head Office. The Head Office services include the General Manager’s Office, Human Resources, Finance, Management Control, Plan & Development, Communications, Information Systems, Audit, Industrial Safety and Security departments.

The Management

The company's operations management is directed by a General Manager and governed by a Board of Directors headed by a Chairman.

From its plantation production, CDC processes and markets Banana, Palm Oil and semi finished Rubber. The Rubber and Banana are mainly exported while the Palm Oil is mostly consumed locally. 

Since its inception, the company has gone through many challenges in ensuring its sustenance and as such adopted several development and management strategies to uphold its ideals. The privatization of the corporation announced at the end of 1993/94 financial year effectively started with the taking over of the Tea Department in 2002 by Cameroon Tea Estates. While waiting for a follow up on the rest, the present management of the Corporation is sparing no efforts to manage the remaining Crop Groups and Service Departments as profitably as possible.

As part of its initial objectives, CDC also provides a lot of social and economic amenities to its workers and the public in general such as medical care, housing, road infrastructure, sports and other adhoc support to community development.

The overview of the CAMEROON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION since its inception has been one of responding to socio-economic changes, recognizing, rewarding and promoting the Cameroonian worker. The management and workers of this corporation are today more determined to preserve this legacy.

Our motto : "Quality, Progress, Vitality".

Our contacts

CDC Head Office

Bota - Limbe, South West Region, Republic of Cameroon 

Tel : (237) 3333 2251 / (237) 3343 1883

Fax :       (237) 3333 2680 / (237) 3343 1746

Website :