North-West Region News

Health Insurance : Explanatory seminar in Bamenda
All medical personnel, both state and contracted workers under the Ministry of Public Health will be covered 100% by the Cameroon Government.

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A team of medical officials from the Ministry of Public Health in the capital, Yaoundé, today held a meeting with medical personnel in the North West Region. This included Madame Thelma TITANJI, from the National Health Council, Mr SANI Mohamadou, Chief of service at the public health ministry, Mr NGAH ONANA, President of the Health Syndicate CAPSANTE, and Mr ESSA OYONO, the Secretary General of SIMPEF.

The meeting was held at the Regional Delegation of Public Health in Bamenda and focused on the press release signed by the Minister of Public Health on the 16th of February 2017.

The health personnel were informed about the content of the press release which states that all medical expenses of all medical personnel, both state and contracted workers under the Ministry of Public Health will be covered 100% by the Cameroon Government. The insurance also applies to all civil servants, support staff in the eight medical core and covers their spouses, children; both adopted and biological and adult handicapped children.

Hence, all medical personnel of Health institutions after haven financed their medical bills will be reimbursed by the State after proper documentation procedures to be cared for by the Governors of each Region in the country.

The meeting was presided at by Mr NJI Joseph, Head of Division for Economic, Social and Cultural Affairs(ESCAD) and on behalf of Governor Adolphe LELE  LAFRIQUE. During his speech, Mr NJI Joseph assured participants at the meeting that, as soon as their documents get to the authorities, under the supervision of the Governor, they will be immediately forwarded to the Minister of Public Health in Yaoundé.

The Regional Delegate of Public Health for the North-West Region who was represented at the meeting by doctor AYUK Leo, reiterated that the insurance policy is a reality and should be exploited by all those concerned.

By Eileen SAMA, North-West Region

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