North-West Region News
North West: Restrictions That Secure
Besides stepped up security measures to protect people and property Governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique has been on the field preaching against violence and the need for a return to normalcy.
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From the look of things, the North West Region has lost many lives and property since the socio-political crisis rocking the region started in 2016. School infrastructure, public offices, service and private cars have suffered arson. Burnings and killings across the region spread fear in the population, many of whom have escaped their homes into far away bushes, cities and villages.
It is against this backdrop that the government and the local administration have stepped up actions in efforts to keep the population and property safer. Created on the strength of Presidential Decree No. 2018/148 of 21 February, 2018, the 5th Joint Military and Gendarmerie Regions, covering the North West and West Regions is operational with their Command Post in Bamenda.
Their Commanders were later commissioned with the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence, Joseph Beti Assomo stressing that the creations were inspired by efforts to optimize efficiency of operations in the face of security challenges in the region. The creations came with the erection of more security control points in the region.
Entry and exit security points in the Divisions of the region have been reinforced, with passengers screened. The Governor has equally been on the field prescribing discipline and professionalism for security forces in the face of complaints by the population about harassments.
In effect, the restriction of movement of people, motorcycles and vehicles is in vogue in the region since a Regional Order instituted a curfew that runs from 9 pm-5am daily. It is all about efforts to maintain peace and ensure law and order. The curfew is also a measure to help identify and denounce individuals who try to breach social peace and tranquility.
That is perhaps, why the administration of the region is craving the indulgence of the population to sacrifice some of their comfort for security forces to be able to protect them.