North-West Region News
Covid-19 : A kind gesture from CERAC to the most vulnerable ones
Mme Lele Corine, Regional Coordinator of the Circle of Friends of Cameroon CERAC was the bearer of the gifts to the most vulnerable population of the North-West Region.
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In total 29 tap containers of 20 litre each, 29 buckets for hand washing 02 drums of 100 litre each, 61 cartons of soap with over 60 cubes in each carton and 1500 face masks are gift from CERAC meant to fight the spread of corona virus amongst bike readers, transporters, orphanages and in some markets in the North-West Region.
Speaking during the donation ceremony on Thursday April 23, 2020, the Governor of the North West Region Adolph Lele Lafrique seized the opportunity to remind the population on the various preventive measures put in place to stop the propagation of the corona virus, adding that with a confirmed case already in the Region, the population need to be more caution than ever before.
Representatives of the recipients(the president of the Bamenda Main market, bike readers, orphanages and transporters) respectively took turns to thank the first lady Madam Chantal Biya and her CERAC team for thinking about them during this trying moment. They all promised that, the materials given to them will be jealously used so as to step up the fight against the Covid-19.
On his part the City Mayor of Bamenda, Paul Achobong Tambeng, while cautioning the city dwellers of Bamenda, challenged those still in the bushes to come out and join the fight against the corona virus which is now a common enemy to humanity, the City Mayor added that they aren't safe while still in the bush.
Representing the Circle of Friends of Cameroon CERAC at the occasion was the Regional Coordinator Mrs Lele Corine the wife of the Governor of the North-West Region.
See some key moments of the ceremony in pictures by clicking here