North-West Region News

Installation of 11 Regional Delegates
The Governor of the North West Region has installed 11 Regional Delegates and those ranking as such in the North West Region.

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The installation ceremony took place at the Bamenda Congress Hall with a massive attendance of the installed family members, friends and well wishers. After the warm welcome address given by the Secretary General at the Bamenda City Council representing the Government Delegate, the Governor installed the recently appointed Regional Delegates and Head of Autonomous Services into their various functions and offices.

In his installation speech, he stressed on the fact that the Regional Delegates with their collaborators will respect and manage with utmost probity, the human, material and financial resources put at their disposals and without compromise, put public service and interests above their personal interests. Willing to give his support in their work, the Governor equally promised of the collaboration of his Collaborators in other sectors and the goodwill of the people of the Region.

Family photograph with the newly installed Regional Delegates.

The installed Officials were made of eight men, three women, with Madam Mercy AKWA ASANGA Epse TABUFOR being the oldest (born 1961) and Mr. NDODJONG BOSSONG Antoine being the youngest (born 1978).

The ceremony had rich musical interludes from North-West artist, Chilly and Richard Kings. 

Closely after saluting the installed officials, the Governor took family pictures with them, plus his entourage. It is worth mentioning that the ceremony comes few hours after the installation of the new SDO for MEZAM.

By Kenneth NAKENTOH, North-West Region

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