North-West Region News
Story Telling Contest Award 2016
"Sister Speak 237" has awarded prices to winners of a Story Telling Contest 2016 to encourage student journalists in their practice.
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The cash prices ranged from 20,000 FCFA for 3rd position, 30,000 FCFA for 2nd to 50,000 FCFA for the 1st position. Other gifts like books were also offered to winners by the US Embassy represented. The Manger of Hot Cocoa, Mr. Omah SONGWE highlighted that the contest was done in three categories; Agriculture sector, Women Issues and Social Inclusion (concerning persons with disabilities).
The first in the Agriculture category was NSU SIKA Andrew from the University of Buea, in Women Issues we had NFORMI Sandra from HIBUMS and NGWE Beltine still from HIBUMS took first in the category Social Inclusion. Crowning the occasion, a Life Time Achievement Award was given to Madam Olive CHANG who is a retired journalist.
Comfort MUSAH, the Organizer of the event and Editor-in-Chief of "Sister Speak", addressing the public said barely nine stories won out of the 37 that came in. And they were selected based on their content, treatment of sources, balance and fairness and choice of language. She equally elaborated on the mission of "Sister Speak" saying, it is to boost women’s efforts, abolish the marginalization of women which is done with the help of the media and equally advocate for persons with disabilities even including albinos.
The ceremony took place in a strategic hall at the CBC compound, attended by at least 12 media houses and dignitaries such as the Mayor of Nkambe, Mr. NGAPI Paul, North West President of FIDA-Cameroon, Coordinator of the SEEPD (Socio-Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities) Program and Chief of Administration and Finance at CBC- Mr. WARRI Denis, representing the Director of Health Service at CBC.