North-West Region News
Kick off of Ramadan 2017
Muslim faithfuls in the North West Region, began observing the 2017 month of Ramadan.
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Muslim faithfuls in the North West Region, Cameroon and the world over on Saturday May 27th, began observing the 2017 month of Ramadan, which is a holy month of fasting and religious devotion.
The festival falls in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, but varies from year to year.
Ramadan is considered a time of intense prayer and religious devotion with Muslims encouraged to observe five daily prayers through out the day. Many will recite the Quran just before sunset and the start of their fasting.
During this period, Muslims donate money to charity and help to feed the hungry, taking time to cut down on their vices such as gossiping, swearing and fighting. Also, married people abstain from sexual intercourse during the day. Children do not take part in the fast along with the elderly or sick.
Ramadan is intended to bring religious followers closer to Allah during the 30 days which they control their eating habits and abstain from the pleasures of life.
The women prepare the meals to break the fast which permits them to eat after sunset with many flocking to Mosques to celebrate together with communal meals.
Ramadan 2017 started on May 27th and will finish on June 24th both Saturdays, marking the end of the fasting which will culminate into a great feast on the 25th of June and the start of the next month "Shawwal"