North-West Region News
Go for BEPC 2017
The written part for BEPC examination started today in the entire Region.
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Students in Secondary Schools in the North-West Region in the Francophone Sub-Sustem of Education, today began sitting for the BEPC written part of the examination. The oral part of the examination was done on Monday 5th of June for students doing the bilingual BEPC, which is an equivalent of the GCE O Levels.
In Bamenda chief town of the North- West Region, a 17-year-old girl was cut on her right hand by a bike rider on her way to school. The girl was dressed in her School uniform to take part in the BEPC bilingual series at GBHS Bamenda.
Mrs ANYERE Chatelle is a student of GBHS Bamenda and is reported to be in a critical condition at the Mbingo Baptist Hospital in Kom under intensive medical care, after being transferred from the Bamenda Regional Hospital on Monday, while investigation has been opened to find the perpetrator of such an inhumane act.
Over one thousand students are taking part in the BEPC examination in the North-West Region hosted in five accommodation centres.