North-West Region News

More protection for our poultries
A vaccination campaign against disease-related mortality of village or backyard poultry was launched today

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Green Innovation Centres For Agriculture and Agri-Food Sector dubbed ProCISA, today launched a vaccination campaign against disease-related mortality of village or backyard poultry in the North-West and West Regions of Cameroon.
The launching ceremony took place in the premises of the Alliance Francaise at Veterinary Junction Bamenda.

ProCISA is working in partnership with the Ministry of Livestock Fisheries and Animal Industries MINEPIA, a private veterinary enterprise CAPHAVET and the German Cooperation GIZ. The main aim of the vaccination campaign is to reduce Newcastle disease-related mortality and create jobs in rural areas through Animal Health Development Posts (AHDP) which will be controlled by vaccinators.

Present at the launching ceremony was MINEPIA's representative Mr HOUWE Jacques Philorbert, the coordinator of the program representing GIZ, Mr Arne SCHUFFENHAUER, the regional delegates of MINEPIA for the North-West and West Regions, Divisional and Sub-delegates of MINEPIA from both Regions, vaccinators among others.

A strong mechanism has been instituted to run the campaign which will be done every 4 months, thus 3 times yearly and is based on 4 main pillars:

  1. Village Vaccinators. Trained in vaccination techniques, they will be able to sensitize, control parasites and vaccinate poultry in different villages.
  2. Equipment provided in AHDPs. Consisting of solar refrigerators, coolers with carboglaces, medicines and vaccines. These equipment will allow a regular supply in compliance with standards relating to the respect of the cold chain.
  3. The managers of the AHDP. They are responsible to provide administrative and financial management of the posts.
  4. MINEPIA. Through its zoo technical and veterinary centres and technicians, it will monitor the activities of the clusters for compliance with regulations.

Implemented in Cameroon since the end of 2015 by GIZ, ProCISA is part of the special initiative "ONE WORLD with out hunger", launched by the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Economic Development (BMZ). The BMZ thus intends to contribute significantly to the reduction of poverty and hunger. In its three value chains: cocoa, poultry and potato, ProCISA promotes agricultural and agri-food innovations to improve incomes for small holder farm as well as employment and regional food supply.

By Eileen SAMA, North-West Region

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