Notice Board of the North-West Region

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All with Yong Sport Academy

The Governor of the North West Region invites all North Westerners especially those in Bamenda and Yaounde and interested fans of Yong Sports Academy (YOSA) to register and participate massively in view of the up – coming finals of the Cameroon Cup due to take place in Yaoundé.

The registration is done at the main entrance to the Bamenda Municipal Stadium and is just Seven Thousand francs (CFA 7.000 Frs) transportation cost to Yaoundé and back to Bamenda.

The Governor also seizes this opportunity to heartily thank all the North Westerners, friends of the North West and especially traveling agencies for their prompt collaboration and support in the promotion of football in our Region especially at this time when we are about to celebrate the Reunification of our country.

The Governor

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