18/12/2013 - Tous derrière Yong Sport Academy à la finale
14/12/2013 - Réunion avec les Délégués Départementaux des Transport du Nord-Ouest
19/11/2013 - Circulation de faux documents
18/11/2013 - Décès de Ardo AMADU
18/11/2013 - Séminaire sur la Gestion des Conflits
The North West Development Authority with its French acronym MIDENO acts on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cameroon in the North-West Region as the supervisor of development policy and providing a budgetary, financial and technical mechanism for development projects. It also has a mandate; organizing the communities and promoting the socio-economic environment and improving the living conditions in rural areas as well as conducting any study, research or operations connected with rural development in the North West Region.
Charged with the above responsibilities, MIDENO has conceived, mounted and supervised several projects in the North West Region notably; MIDENO Phases I and II reformulated, the Grassfield Participatory and Decentralized Rural Development Project, GP-DERUDEP and presently they are in the process of concluding with the take off of the Livestock Development Project and GP-DERUDEP Phase II.